It's been almost a week since I posted anything here. The King Fish is still away and I have been feeling ill. I finally went to the Drs for that sinus infection. I should have gone sooner.... I was waking up with mild headaches, and having occasional dizziness. I'm sure from the infection. That will teach me to try and handle it myself! I'm now on antibiotics, but I'm still not feeling 100%.
Having said all that, I'm just trying to make it through school, laundry, children's outside activities, my Bible study and making meals 3x a day. Just the basics folks! You wouldn't want to see my house right about now.. .and hopefully there will be no unexpected company dropping by! I just couldn't handle that today.
We were supposed to get snow, but it looks like it will come this evening. I truly truly hope so, as I would love for Upwards basketball practice to be cancelled. It is so hard to keep Small Fry entertained for 3 hours! The King Fish was originally supposed to be home on Thursdays, so that I could go to Upwards with the boys and maybe do a Bible Study while he had some 1 on 1 time with our little guy at home. But he has been away each Thursday for over a month. Ugh! Thankfully he comes home tomorrow evening. He has been gone for 2 weeks straight, so I know he will be happy to see "home" again!
I have so many other things in my head to post about..but until I get organized here at home, I feel like my thoughts are just as jumbled in my head! :-)
One more thing: I want to give a big shout out to my online friend Susan in Nashville. Susan, your post on our forum just touched my heart. You are so sweet and thank you for keeping up with our family through this blog! I pray your doctor's appointment went well, and that you received encouraging results on your treatment. Huge hugs from me! {{Susan}}
My Apologies! {Giveaway + Happy Valentine’s}
3 days ago
Hope you're feeling better soon, Jackie. Hang in there! Hopefully hubby'll be able to stop going out of town soon!
I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well... it's so tough to keep up on things! You are doing much more than I would, believe me - 3 meals a day at our house when I'm sick are called "fend for yourself" lol. :) I'll pray you are feeling better soon!
Now, now... you MUST go to the doctor! I'm telling you - 3 weeks with this stuff and it took 2 rounds of antibiotics and a steroid to even remotely feel human. And now my sister has it! I hope you start feeling better and I know once the Kingfish comes home, you'll be feeling so much better! Hope you're staying warm in the arctic. (P.S. You're so right - I'm not a Southerner, but I feel like one when I complain about this cold! :-))
Wow, Jackie. I've just now had a chance to catch up on your blog, and I see that you've mentioned me! I've thoroughly enjoyed reading about your beautiful family, and am so happy for you all. Small Fry is just the cutest little boy, with that infectious smile! Your older boys seem to adore him, and it's wonderful that he's fit into your family so well. We do miss you at WC, but I know you're spread pretty thin with your time. If you do get a chance though, please drop in and say "hi" to everyone. The Canners love hearing from you.
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