This is how the conversation goes:
Me: Small Fry, Mommy's going to read her Bible and brothers are reading their Bibles too... we're going to have a little Quiet Time.
Small Fry: My Bible too?
Me: Yes, You can read your Bible too... why don't you get it off the bookshelf?
Small Fry: (holding up his little Bible with a huge smile) " My Bible!"
He then proceeds to look through his Bible pointing to the things he knows. When he's done with this... it's onto the nearest car he has available.
He was so cute one morning I had to snap some photos.

Reading his Bible

"All done Bible.... cars Mama??"

Stopping by via Mom Monday at "My Cup2Yours". Beautiful "small fry"! Homeschooler? We are-tons of work, loads of fun. I'm a northerner who spent 10 years in the south and learned to cook while there thank the Dear Lord -then came back to 4 seasons! Love your theme!
We do something very similiar. Dima does like you describe Small Fry doing. I LOVE to see even these beginning glimmers of enthusiasm for things of God. Keep it up mom - this is the most important thing you teach them all day long! :)
Quiet mornings are so nice! What nice photos and I love that Small Fry has his own Bible.
Oh. My. Goodness. What a cutie! Thanks for sharing!
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