No, it definitely wasn’t what I was hoping for. I will apologize now if this blog post is disjointed or incoherent at times. Totally sorry about that folks, I’m recovering….from the Flu.
Yes, the Flu struck our little house, and it struck me the worst. I guess my youngest had it, but I just assumed it was a cold and fever, not really the flu. But then the King Fish came home Wednesday evening with a 101 fever. I didn’t have time to dwell on it, because Small Fry was having minor surgery, and I was focused on keeping him away from Munchkin so he wouldn’t get sick. Surgery was Thursday and all went well, but Friday morning I woke up at 5am with a fever. I didn’t even have to take my temperature, I just knew. Sure enough I had a fever of 101. Body aches, headache,runny nose, and cough followed. Needless to say the King Fish stayed home on Friday and I just crawled back into my bed.
Saturday was more of the same, except Small Fry also developed at fever, and so did Jabber Jaw. One man left standing, Tiger Shark, and so far he is unscathed. Jabber Jaws fever might be minimal, as he already looked better this evening. Tomorrow will tell me more.
Munchkin had also been miserable for the past 2 days, and I insisted that the King Fish take him into the Drs first thing Friday morning. “Just show up”, I said, “they will fit you in”. And they did. Munchkin had an ear infection a week ago, and I just had a feeling that it wasn’t getting better. The King Fish stated otherwise saying he was just fussy from a runny nose, cough and cold, but I knew it had to be more than that. He just doesn’t cry a lot, and he had been. Sure enough his ear infection was still there and he was given a stronger antibiotic. Mama’s intuition… don’t doubt it folks…. it’s a real thing….
Can I tell you what a beautiful weekend it has been outside? Gorgeous weather… perfect for the numerous projects and shopping expeditions I had in my mind. Salvage shops, goodwill….
So sad.
I feel like I just woke up and missed two days or something, the weekend is just gone.
I AM grateful that The King Fish was actually in town to help take care of me and the little guys. I really don’t know what I would have done without him being here. I couldn’t seem to even take care of myself…. I’m praying everyone gets better soon before he goes out of town again. One of my facebook friends suggested I bring someone in to clean and Clorox everything, and I swear that isn’t a bad idea. I would like to have my entire house scrubbed clean after this event. Financially though, I doubt the King Fish would go for it… but I liked the idea!!
Hope everyone’s weekend was much better than mine…..
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