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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Snow Photos!

We got our first white Christmas since we moved down south.  It was lovely, and it’s so cold here the snow is still on the ground.  Amazing!  Our littlest fish did not venture out into the snow, because he is battling another cold.  But the rest of the crew went out and had a wonderful time sledding and building snowmen!  (And yes, that is Jabber Jaw sledding with a broken collarbone….)  Boys!  <sigh>


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Xmas Photos 001

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zach sled

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Xmas Photos 079

z snowman

Xmas Photos 073

sf sled


Dede said...

Wow that looks fun but COLD! Our little guy is wishing for snow so he can build a snowman. He would have a blast out there with your kiddos.

Anonymous said...

We loved getting snow in South Carolina too. Your pictures are wonderful. It looks like everyone except the little one got to get outside and have a blast.

Troy and Rachel said...

Fun!! We haven't had enough snow this year to do much. But we paid for it early - last year!! Glad your boys (minus 1) got to go out and enjoy it!

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