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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Job Update and other stuff…

I just realized that I forgot to post this…. we found out a few weeks ago that The King Fish will NOT be laid off.  His company bid on several jobs and won. He has been put on those projects.  One of those projects has additional building stages and his company bid on those too and won those.  So thankfully he has a job through January if next year.  Hopefully they will win some more work over the next few months!  Regardless we are very grateful that he still has a position within his company!
In other news…. I participated in our local used curriculum sale and made $167.  Woohoo!!  I brought 3 bins full of books into the sale with me, and I left with a little more than a bin.  Not too shabby!  I’ll just store the books I have until next year.  It was definitely worth it!  I then went to our used book store.  (It’s huge and awesome here in our city).  Anyway, I had books to sell that weren’t curriculum books, and I made $37 in trade.  That means that I can use that money to purchase books for my boys for school.  I’ll have to check back a couple times a week as it can be hit or miss if I find them, but I’m saving on average $4.00 per book by buying them gently used. 
Finally, I have a list of about 7 things that I needed to accomplish.  I didn’t have a time frame as they were very time consuming and long projects.  I accomplished five out of the seven and I am so proud.  I’m not sure what compels me to write my to do list on here… I guess I like to look back and see what I accomplished. 
Anyway, here they are:
  • Clean off the front porch- deck and walls  This was full of pollen and the walls needed to be scrubbed down with a bleach mixture as well, because of mildew from all the humidity here.  It’s the first time the walls have been done in 4 years and it looks so much better!
  •  Clean off all the patio furniture and rockers on  the front porch.  They too were covered in pollen!

  • Update and change over our entire checking account.  I had to recreate our checking account from 4 months ago, because my other computer died.  It was very old, so I installed my program on this computer, and began to work on inputting and balancing 4 months worth of bank statements.  Talk about time consuming!

  • Power wash the entire driveway.  Yes, I did it all by myself, and my neck muscles did not thank me for that!

  • Organize and price everything for the used curriculum sale.  I typed up and printed all my tags for the sale and taped them all to my books.  It looked so good! 

  • Clean out and organize my entire homeschool room.  This one I haven’t even begun.  Maybe this week I’ll start to work on it.  It’s a HUGE project!!

  • One more project to organize that I’ll share in a week or two.  :-)


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear good news about your dh's job! Praying that the work continues to come in for his company.

Wtg on the used book sale! That's a great profit.

Anonymous said...

Great news about the job ad wel doen with the curriculum sale! xo

Becky and Keith said...

Heya! A great place to sell used books is Amazon. I've been selling Alex's books on there and it's worked out great so far. Kind of a pain in the neck to have to run to the post office, but since they give you a shipping credit, it makes it worth while!

GREAT news about DH's job! After the latest post, I'm sure you're breathing a big sigh of relief!

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