I know that sounds like such a cliche, but it's where we are right now. I have been quiet in blogland lately, my heart is heavy. I really don't want to use this blog venue to whine and complain, but I do want to share my heart and what's going on. The King Fish continues to be out of town all week and is home again on the weekends. That alone is hard enough, but his job is very stressful right now. He has an enormous amount of pressure on his shoulders and an enormous amount of stress. It's tough, because we are both tired from the week of stress and being apart from one another. God designed us to be together for a reason, and we know we compliment one another well. We help each other and encourage each other and that is just not as effective when he is hundreds of miles away in a hotel. Not to say we don't encourage one another... we do, but it's just not as effective over the phone late at night when we both are exhausted. Life has just been hard. I know it is a season. But I understand it may get even harder.
I have been reading through Job with Andrea from Babe of My Heart. Oh how this bible reading and her commentary have been blessing my heart. I am so grateful that I found her blog, as it is a real ministry. The comments that are left are just as inspiring... and I encourage you to hop over and just soak in this bible study. Anyway... in Job 1, Job has lost everything.... his 10 children, his crops, his servants... all in one day! He obviously is completely distraught and tears his robe and mourns. Satan believed that Job would curse God if he took away everything he had, but here is what Job says after losing everything... "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." Can you believe Job's heart? If you lost everything dear to you in life would you be able to speak those words?? I have thought to myself, what if my husband loses his job? It's a very real possibility. Would I be able to praise the Lord like Job did, in the midst of my situation?
The second thing I noticed is that in Job 2, he becomes afflicted with painful sores from head to toe. Once again Satan believed that if he afflicted Job all over his skin he would surely curse God. In verse 8 we find Job covered in lesions and sitting by the ashes of a fire with a piece of broken pottery trying to scrape himself. Can you imagine how he must have felt? A few days before he had everything... he was wealthy, had servants and had an offspring of 10 children to make him proud. Then he lost everything and days later was afflicted with very painful lesions that I'm sure where painful even to look at. Why? Because later on Chapter 2, his three friends visit him and hardly recognize him. His wife said to him in verse 9: "Are you still holding onto your integrity? Curse God and die!" Job replied: (and here is the verse that struck me): "You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God and not trouble?"
So often I hear people say, "Everything just came together and we know God is in it?" I know that this can often be confirmation for many people, us included... but I have to wonder when things fall apart, and life is hard... does that mean that God is not in it? According to Job, absolutely not! When life is hard, God is in the midst of it. Even when it is hard to see him, and hear him, we can know he is right there with us. Doesn't the Bible say in Joshua 1:9, "Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." God will be with us wherever we go! And in Deuteronomy 31:8 it says: "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
Andrea over at Babe of my Heart wrote this: "In the midst of hardship—the Lord is working! In good days—the Lord is working! When things make sense OR don’t make sense—the Lord is working!"
So this week I take heart that the Lord is working in the midst of our lives. Even though it has been difficult, and even though I have cried so many tears of frustration, exhaustion and worry. Even though we are separated for a time, and may have no job in the near future.... the Lord is working.... and He is in control. No matter what hardship we are going through (or you are going through), He will never leave you or forsake you.
I'll end with Romans 8:35-39 because it is a verse to remember. It reminds us of God's incredible love for us. Not only will He never leave us or forsake us, not only will He be with us wherever we go, but nothing can separate us from his love.....nothing.
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or danger or sword? No in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels or demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height or depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
I am grateful that I am a child of God today, and no matter what my circumstances- He cares deeply for me and for you too!
My Apologies! {Giveaway + Happy Valentine’s}
3 days ago
Excellent post! Thanks for the reminder and also for sharing your heart. Praying for you!
Jackie, your post reminded me of my Grandmother. She would always refer to Job when I complained about life being hard. She was so wise and filled with the Holy Spirit. (I miss her dearly.) As you already know, but sometimes it helps to hear it again anyway... God is in control and He will deliver us! I'll be praying for you during these trying times.
Hugs to you Jackie. I know just where you are. Troy worked away like that for the first year Daniel was home and I was so tired all of the time and I cried many nights. But you're right - the Lord is working all the time. Hang in there and cherish your weekends.
Wow. You have no idea how I needed to read this. I have been so discouraged lately. Thank you for the reminder to praise God in the midst of the bad as well as the good.
don't be impressed with my blogging commitments! i haven't fulfilled my commitment in any way yet!! lol
"So often I hear people say, "Everything just came together and we know God is in it?" I know that this can often be confirmation for many people, us included... but I have to wonder when things fall apart, and life is hard... does that mean that God is not in it?"
Love what you wrote here. That's where the rubber hits the road so to speak in our faith doesn't it - when things get tough.
Love to meet other homeschooling Mums of 3 boys. xo
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