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Monday, November 30, 2009

More Photos from Thanksgiving

Here are a few more photos of our Thanksgiving festivities. The weather was so nice the day before Thanksgiving that everyone was outside playing in our yard.
Hey how do you work this thing??

Okay, you put your hands on the handle....

I think I'm getting the hang of it....

This is fun!!
Aunt Lisa getting ready.... for what?
To push R. on the rope swing!
One cutie pie!
B. playing some family football!
Uncle Kevin and Jabber Jaw playing football

Tiger Shark and Jabber Jaw
A. being her silly self.... :-)
M. riding her pony....
Grandpa getting ready to walk 3 miles with Small Fry

Tuckered out after the Turkey Trot!


Mamosa said...

Okay you! I got a big kick out of some of the songs on your player...especially the Partridge Family!

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