At 7 am this morning I awoke to Small Fry crying out in distress. Not his typical in the morning, but I was in such a sound sleep, I was oblivious to the goings on outside. Plus the King Fish snores, so I wear earplugs... yes you now know my secret. I can still hear Small Fry with the help of the monitor, but earplugs help to dull the loud sawing action going on right beside me at night. Anyhoo... I hurried quickly to our little guy's room with the ear plugs still in... because I was in a deep sleep and not cognizant of the fact that they were still in there. I picked him up and he kept saying... "What that? What that?" No, not to the ear plugs as I eventually realized, but to the loud banging going on right above our head and outside his window! Metal ladders going up, thumping up above us... uh oh... the roofers are here today! I carried Small Fry into our room and lay down in bed with him to try and get some more rest... which we both evidently wanted. But I just knew someone would be ringing my doorbell soon, and I wasn't prepared to greet my own self in the mirror, much less a real human being. So, I groggily trekked downstairs to get some coffee for me and some breakfast for the kids. Oh how I wished I had a pop tart in the house....
But the good news is half of our new roof is up! I am fairly certain I like it.... I say that because until I see it all... especially on the front of the house, I can't be certain. Naturally, I can't really say to the good folks who just spent all day in 98 degree heat... "Um, ya know I'm not sure I'm likin' that color, can you change it?" Not without a pretty penny or two, and my husband won't go for that. Nope, I just have to trust my gut instinct on this and know that it's gonna look smashing when they are finished.
And speaking of that 90+ degree weather, I felt so bad for the roofing guys working in that heat! I wanted to bake them some cookies or something, but I haven't been feeling well either. (I suspect a sinus infection). So I didn't bake the cookies, or anything, and as they were packing up for the day... I thought... gee you missed an opportunity to show kindness.
I know they are provided plenty of water, but tomorrow I will have banana/chocolate chip muffins at the ready for their first break in the morning. I said to my girlfriend, it is my way of showing Christ's love through kindness. Some may scoff at that idea... but I say.... "Wouldn't you like it if someone was kind enough to think of you when offering up a scrumptious banana chocolate chip muffin?" Another friend of mine, Amanda, has a Cooking class and her favorite verse that she shares each class is this:
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Give generously to God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality. " Romans 12: 12-13
And so tomorrow...... I'm gonna do some practicing.... as soon as I've had my coffee.
My Apologies! {Giveaway + Happy Valentine’s}
3 days ago
Can I come help with your roof and get a banana choc. chip muffin too? those are my favorite!
Glad that your roof is half finished!!!
I love the ear plug idea... and a banana choc. chop muffin sounds good.
When we lived in FL I remember helping my mom take out iced tea to roofers when we had ours redone - I've never forgotten that and I try to do the same when someone does something for us. I think it's great you are planning to do the muffins.
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