Outside my window... I hear a train whistling in the night. The King Fish loves this sound because it reminds him of his childhood visiting his grandma. It is a soothing sound for me as well… I’m not sure why…but it is.
I am thinking... Gosh- I am loving this Windows Live Writer, and shoot is it really 12:30am? Do I really still have that homemade soup still on the stove. I have to put it away. I hope Small Fry doesn’t wake up 5 times again tonight with his cold… or I’m gonna be one hurting puppy in the morning. Shoot he already woke up once.. I wonder if I’m going to get the dreaded cold too?
I am thankful for... my children and the ability and option to homeschool them. There have been many days when I am reminded of this absolute blessing, and how it benefits my children.
I am wearing... makeup… which is amazing, it means I showered and got out of the house today. lol! Okay, only part way serious there. I’m wearing jeans a turtleneck and walking shoes.
I am remembering... my friend Suz and her husband Jim and our visit this summer. It was so funny to laugh with them and to see our husbands laugh together. Gosh, I miss them!
I am going... out on a date with my husband this weekend. We both could use the time away. I am also going to be deliberate about planning date nights and time away more often. I used to be frustrated and think, “Why do I have to do this? He’s the man, the head of the household….,” But you know what? Going away together… no matter who plans it will bless us both! I have been remiss for not attempting this sooner!
I am currently reading... The Bible and Beth Moore’s Living Beyond Yourself Bible Study.
I am hoping... to get the entire house cleaned up, laundry, dishes, plus school my kids in 11 subjects, do some Tot school with Small Fry, and get to Kinko’s to make copies all by the time The King Fish arrives home tomorrow. If I keep working through the night I just might accomplish it! Or I’m hoping for enough funds for a cleaning service to come here regularly. I’m not sure either one will happen.
On my mind... So much…… my faults, God’s grace…. His plan for us.
Noticing that... our first full week back at school went really well. The boys have accomplished all that I have asked, and have done so without dragging their feet. I am impressed with Jabber Jaw’s self direction, as this is not a habit that comes easily to this “mind wandering and imaginative” young man. I love checking off all that we accomplish and like I mentioned in an earlier post… I am loving these audio CD’s!
Pondering these words... From my devotional bible: “Christianity isn’t a narcotic that dulls you into obedience. It involves battle-it’s excruciating to give up control..…. Jesus will meet you wherever you are and he will help you. He is not intimidated by past failures, broken promises or wounds. He will make sense out of your brokenness. But he can only begin to be the Lord of your life today, not next Monday or next month, but now. And the great and joyful paradox is that while he is totally transforming us he makes us more ourselves than ever before. “
From the kitchen…Oh my word! Have you ever seen this much laundry? I am SO not taking a picture, because quite frankly it is too embarrassing! Trust me when I say, laundry is the bane of my existence, and I almost always have 4-5 loads…. often times more! Just ask my sister… she truly knows!
Around the house... clutter… way to much clutter and way to little time to tackle it all. It is way down on the priority list. (But I need it to be higher for my own peace of mind).
One of my favorite things~ Remodeling with the King Fish. He is away too much for us to do any of that now, and I miss it! (And I miss him!)
For more daybook entry’s visit The Simple Woman’s Daybook
My Apologies! {Giveaway + Happy Valentine’s}
3 days ago
Okay you're right - I need to plan more dates - I always wait around on Troy, but I think I really need to just do it myself! Thanks fo rthe little push!
alot goin on there!
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