Friends from back home would always joke with me around this time of year that a vortex comes and sucks you up starting right before Thanksgiving and spits you back out after the New Year. I feel like it's starting even sooner for me!
I have no idea where this week went to. None! All of a sudden I looked at the calendar and it said tomorrow is "Friday". How is that possible? And how is it possible that we have not gotten to half of what I wanted to accomplish in school? Ugh! It seems like I started the week behind the eight ball right from the get-go.
We have been working on the kids co-op work mostly... Creative Writing, Science and Art. It's taken us sometime as both boys did two rough drafts for the writing class. They both will have to read their classroom reports out loud to their peers next week. They practiced on The King Fish this evening and he was pleased with each report. Yay!
The boys are also involved in Lego Robotics in our area. Basically they are programming a Lego Robot to do various tasks and will earn points if they succeed in completing a task. Each task is worth so many points. It has taught the boys a lot, and given them a flavor for computer programming and engineering as they build this small thing. They have less than 3 weeks to pull everything together with 4 other kids in our neighborhood. Then they travel to compete with other teams all across our state! There is still so much to accomplish though! It's crunch time!
As for our regular activities, piano lessons are going well, and soon they will begin practicing for their Christmas program. Lots of practice between then and now! The rest of our week has been consumed by football yet again. This weekend the boys are in the playoffs, and if both their teams win on Saturday, they will have to play on Sunday. If they win on Sunday they are in the Super Bowl final next Saturday. Yikes! I am so torn, as I want them to win, and yet I am sooo ready for the season to be over. Just plain worn out with football these days.
With all of that.... dh has been out of town 4 days this week. He got home at 5:30 this evening, changed his clothes and headed out the door 10 minutes later to coach football. Barely a moment for a brief kiss...
The King Fish: "How was your day?"
Me: "It stunk. How was yours?"
The King Fish: "It stunk."
Okay then.... see you later after practice. :-)
I have family coming in a week and a half. Yes, for Thanksgiving.....Arrrgh! My mind is not ready, and my house is not ready! Have I mentioned that I am also potty training my 3 year old??? (I actually think that isn't that bad considering everything else going on in our lives!)
And so this vortex goes... spinning so quickly as we travel through life at warp speed! Thanks for letting me vent!
My Apologies! {Giveaway + Happy Valentine’s}
3 days ago
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