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Monday, November 30, 2009

Family Photos

My mom and dad... I love this photo, it's getting framed on my wall!

My mom, dad and sister..... this one will also be going in a picture frame.

Grandpa and his youngest grandson

All the grandkids with Grandma and Grandpa


Carolynn and Steve said...

What great pictures! You have such a beautiful family, sweetie! I'm glad that you had such a fun holiday---

Happy December!

Troy and Rachel said...

What great photos of your Thanksgiving! I love the ones in this post too and I can see why they all need frames! I'm glad you had a good holiday!

Barb said...

Those are great family photos. Thanks for sharing them. A while back I was going through a photo album of our oldest as under 2 years old - he looked SO much like Small Fry!

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

Those pictures are WONDERFUL!!!

Kim Abraham - Mom to the Fabulous Five! said...

Wow, those photos are AWESOME! Your whole family seems so precious. I love the Turkey Trot tradition - it's so cool that your dad walked with you and small fry too.

Oh, and my brother fried a turkey this year and it was delish!!! Very juicy because he injects it with butter with this huge syringe. Seriously. (BTW butter is low fat, right?) I'm just always terrified the pot is going to explode or something.

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