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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wordful Wednesday - Pedicure....

Have I mentioned The King Fish is the most wonderful man in the world?

I asked if he would mind painting my toe nails… since a Pedicure is out of the question budget-wise. He looked at the polish, looked at my toes (almost as if assessing the situation) and then shrugged his shoulders and said nonchalantly, “Sure, I’ve painted models before.” LOL! I guess my toes are kind of like painting a car or airplane model…..ummm......sort of……

In process…. Small Fry checking out what is going on…..

The finished product……

For more photos posted with words... visit Wordful Wednesday at Seven Clown Circus. Happy Wednesday!!


Jen said...

now that is a good man. the only time my hubby would paint my toes was when I was pregnant and on bed rest.


WTG! Nice job! ;o)

Kiki said...

Congrats! Great pedi. My hubby whines when I ask for a foot massage. Happy WW and take care.

Claremont First Ward said...

He did an amazing job!

Becky and Keith said...

Now THAT is a good husband. I think I might use your blog as a negotiator for getting a massage tonight. "But Jackie's husband painted her toes.... Seeeeeeee?!?!?" :-) Loved catching up on your adventures - especially loved the zoo. I really need to find a good petting zoo around here!

Nekey said...

Nice Job! I'm impressed!

Troy and Rachel said...

Okay - I am totally impressed. You are one lucky lady!

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