I got the priviledge of seeing our friend's new baby daughter this morning at church. She is 4 months old and newly adopted. They just brought her home late last night!
When I saw Polly in the nursery with her new daughter I was moved to tears! We've been talking adoption for well over a year now (if not two) as our son's played baseball together. We've shared were we both were in the paperwork process and the waiting process. So, as she and her husband Jim celebrated our coming home back in December... so do we celebrate and rejoice with them!
Congratulations guys! We thank the Lord and praise Him for your beautiful little daughter!
My Apologies! {Giveaway + Happy Valentine’s}
3 days ago
You may have already received this comment from me, but my internet died so I wanted to type it again...
I'm so glad you got to share in your friends joy in adoption!!
I hope you are feeling better and I'm updating your link on my blog now. I think I have several I need to do...where does the time go?!?!
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